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辅助工具 Sea of Thieves盗贼之海HG leveling method


here i release a method to boost your HG level without the interaction of other ships or even fighting

What do you need:
- A Friend or Alt account
- A brain

How does it work:
1) You need 2 Ships, one ship is the ship that gets the streak, set up 1 Athena and 1 Reaper ship (size does not matter)

2) On both ships vote down an HG match so you are matching eachother, the best way to do it is via cheats or a VPN set to low servers like Asia or China

3) If you got matched with your friend / Alt account the ship that needs the level needs to force close the game (alt-f4) on the blackscreen (Server Merge). This is the hardest part to get the timing right, it might not always work at first try

4) Launch back your game and rejoin your ship, now the map table should tell you that you are still in the game

5) Now go to your friends/alts ship and raise an alliance to prevent the server merge

6) Now your friend/alt needs to constantly scuttle and vote the HG again (NOT THE MATCHMAKING! JUST THE HG), every scuttle your ship gets 1 level

In my case a lot of things are automated in this tutorial, people with more experience in coding can also do it, this tutorial is mainly for people who have no clue about coding

IMPORTANT for step 3: The Server merge happens at the START of the blackscreen, as soonest you see the fade close the game, alternative way is to keep an eye on the Map table, when it says matched you can use that as reference to get a perfect timing